July 20, 2009

201 – Soundless information

“ The essential about information is the ability to initiate changes in the receiving system...
In language use in general just like in sciences... 'information' is equal to 'acceptation' or 'transfused knowledge'. “

There are many different kinds of information. One of them is the thought, a soundless information.

The human body consists of lots of water. Let's imagine that water could save information, just like the Japanese scientist Dr Masaru Emoto showed with hiss tests with water crystals....

And let's consider that every thought we think is an information...

You could do NOTHING for 6 minutes and 40 seconds today. Think NOTHING. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING : )

Relax your face, loosen tongue and jawbones, smile. Sit up straight, erect spine, comfortable setting. Chin slightly drawn towards chest. Relax your belly. Breathe, let thoughts pass as soon as you notice them and friendly and clearly get your attention back to breathing.

In – out
peaceful and happy

thoughts of peace for Georgia : )

One fact of the surveys with the water for the bean seeds was to 'expose' the water to the same music for at least 1 hour.

What effects could there be when we regularly expose our own body water to music? Tastes in music are quite different, aren't they?

And what if we'd expose something or someone to thoughts...? If it were possible that anything like this really exists... ; )
Who knows...

July 19, 2009

200 – Plastic flowers

One can recognize plastic flowers by their material; they're not organic; artificial; lifeless. They are hardly destructible.

Real plants, in contrast, are different from that. They are among creatures, have a cell structure with a nucleus just like animals and humans, consists just like those of lots of water, and like all living creatures they have a time lapse (ontogeny): They are born, they grow, they change and transform, they breed, they get old and die.

There are people that are awarded a green fingers. Something special seems to emanate from these people so that plants feel and grow better with their care.

Professor Dr Stephan Bongard from the University Frankfurt and the artists of 431art accomplished a scientific survey in summer 2008: they took water they wanted to spill bean seeds with and played hip hop music or classical music to the water. Conclusion: they classical music water let the seeds grow much faster than the hip hop music water.

Today you could simply think about the fact that water could save information that it would pass on through spilling or drinking to living creatures.

Maybe you'd rather like to do NOTHING now, relax, loosen face musculature, half smile, breathe in and out calm and conscious : )

Stand up for living creatures like
humans, animals and plants
with sentiment

thoughts of peace for Guinea : )

What if we underestimated the ability of water to differentiate and save information?

And why did the bean seeds not like hip hop music??
Hip hop is quite good!


July 18, 2009

199 – Garden of curios

“Life's a horror show?”

Thinking this sometimes, something seems to have caught your eye: namely how astonishing life can be. We can see it like that. It's quite easy actually, we only need to get the according point of view for ourselves.

As soon as we stop to evaluate, especially in the area of “bad-bad”, most of the things we come across are worth the exclamation of delighted astonishment!

Instead of “Oh how stupid” or “Oh how nasty” or “No, how bad” or “How crackbrained”, “How ugly” we could then, in an interested way, say “Oh but that is amazing!”.

Today you could remember reluctant thoughts that simply came up in you. Pick some easy examples and change theses comments in your thoughts to “Oh, hear hear, that's amazing!”.

When you got the “bad-bad” memory before your eyes, pay attention to your feeling. When you now think “Oh, hear hear, that's amazing!” into your memory, observe the new feeling that emerges in you.

Everything's fine
thoughts of peace for the Comoros : )

In former times people paid a lot of money to see curios. When we re-discover the entertainment value of curios in our daily life and learn to appreciate it again, every day life can be amazing again. Nice!

July 17, 2009

198 – Again know the 'better'

“Knowledge is power.”

So they say. There's something true about it.
The one who knows a lot can use his/her knowledge in many different ways and so become powerful. Erudite people can answer almost every question.

Only when it comes to being able to get happy their knowledge seems to be of nearly no use. Even most educated people experience their own misfortune. And they even might be swooning about it.

So what happens when somebody 'knows' that happiness can't be gotten by believing?

Knowledge isn't only power, 'knowledge' also has power...

Today you could take a closer look at your 'knowledge' about the matters of life. 'Knowledge' that contains the opposite of happiness for you is considerable for this exercise.

For example you might know that the right partner for you doesn't exist? Or you definitely know that you will never reach some goal? Or even others know better than you that you'll never reach a particular goal? Their 'knowledge' could have the same powerful impact on your subliminal as yours, in case you follow their words.

So if you found 'knowledge' that is in the way of your happiness you could kiss it goodbye and replace it with a belief that comes closer to the fulfilling of your goal...

Relieve all tensions, 6 minutes and 34 seconds or 3 times or more, breathe in and out intentionally, in – out : )

happiness comes to me
I truly believe that I …

thoughts of peace for Micronesia : )

The one 'knows' something might give this 'knowledge' more power than it is helpful. It's truly unbelievable how many things turn out to be wrong knowledge in the end. Especially in matters of happiness...

Be brave enough to replace your knowledge with uncertain belief ; )

July 16, 2009

197 – The colour of happiness

There are different possibilities to be happy.

One can be it because one experiences according circumstances in that very moment. Or one can simply imagine the feeling of happiness when circumstances are not really helpful for a happy feeling.

It's unbelievable what influence the simple imagination of happiness can have on our mood.

One can only try that for oneself!
Maybe one would have to try this and other blog ideas several times to find out what's about this and other matters...

Today you could sit or lie down comfortably for 6 minutes and 32 seconds. (It's easier to stay awake while sitting.)
Starting to breathe consciously and concentrated now you could remember a very happy situation in your life. As soon as you find your remembrance of the feeling concentrate on the happy feeling and breathe and smile intentionally.
Imagine the feeling floating about 75cm before you. Breathe and smile. You could look at the feeling and tell its colour. Now you could see the colour getting even more intensive and shining. Breathe and smile. Maybe you'd like to widen the colour field? At the same time you could feel your good feeling strengthening : )

I'm giving my happiness a colour:
colour xyz – happy
thoughts of peace for Burkina Faso : )

Remember this colour for later, in case you want to do that exercise again on a dull day.
Visualizing your colour while consciously breathing and smiling, you can immediately get back to your happy memory.

Also, the simple memory of the happy feeling combined with your happy colour can make you happier spontaneously. Try it yourself, you could make interesting experiences : )

July 15, 2009

196 – Buy into yourself only

Many things are told. Press, literature and people want to give us interesting information about “knowledge” and matters, some of them are helpful, others are less helpful. So far so good.

So how can we tell truth from falsehood?

We can decide to A) believe in someone's story because we think the resource is authentic or B) find it out ourselves.

A) always carries the risk that D) we are told falsehood, but B) offers the option to make up our own mind and the decide if it's C) true or D) falsehood ; )

Today you could think of something that you simply believed because you were told by somebody. You could decide now to find out how true the matter is to you. Pick something easy and better abstain from testing warnings ; )

Maybe yomeone told you something about a person you don't know. Or maybe you were told that persons who have certain interests are like this or that. Or somebody told you that a half smile and conscious breathing would raise better feelings in you.
You could nbow decide to find your own C) or D) answer.

Realx your face. If you like, breathe in and out consciously and calmly 3 times. Or 6 minutes and 30 seconds, if you like. You could try it with and without a half smile.

I buy into things only when I know them assuredly
thoughts of peace for Palau : )

Hereby we ask you to buy into NOTHING that's written here but try it for yourself first before you decide for an A) or C) comment.

But if you question warnings for matters like binge-drinking, throwing oneself before a train, jumping from a 10 storey building or similar matters you should definitely think of the risk of questioning these stories and maybe prefer an A) thinking...

July 14, 2009

195 – Courage for the un-experienced

Somebody how does something that 'one' usually wouldn't do – because it seems unfamiliar or because it's not really part of the plan – unlocks a gap.

And in this gap there's a lot of potential: do new things; develop new things; new experiences; gain new, unaccustomed and unimagined achievements.

All you need for that is a little bit of courage: do the things that others do not dare to do (yet).

Today you could remember an idea that spontaneously fascinated you.
Intensely remember your idea, your dream, your wish! Is it unusual enough to make others laugh or joke about it?

If your idea is for the well-being of all it might be easier for you to find the necessary courage and stand up for your idea. It's a gift of your inspiration!

Relax, half smile or full smile, breathe in and out, observing your body consciously and attentively.
Every inhale could make you aware of your strength, every exhale can bring you courage : )

aware of my internal strength
courage for the un-experienced

thoughts of peace for Ethiopia : )

A gap that hasn't been discovered before or maybe even was seen before but nobody was brave enough to take it - that's something special.

It's a clear area that we can fill with our ideas according to our imagination. Doing something new is always being brave. Maybe we were told all our lives we can't, still, all of us can do it... : )

July 13, 2009

194 – Wanting to be beautiful...

“Wanting to be beautiful, you'll have to suffer... “

What a flim-flam!

And wanting to be happy? Everything has its price? Nothing's for free?

NOTHING's for free. Happiness, too.
And: the one who's happy, who feels happy, will be beautiful.

Today you could find out if you were taught similar doctrines in your childhood. If so you could re-decide today and make happiness and beauty possible without suffering.
When you're ready to introduce new doctrines, the mental or spoken repetition of the following words can have enduring effects on your unconscious.

Relax your face, half smile with loosened mouth musculature makes you beautiful : )
Intentional breathing. With every inhale I'm light in body and soul – with every exhale I'm happy : ) 6 minutes and 26 seconds? Or 3 breaths?

light in body and soul
happy and beautiful

thoughts of peace for Azerbaijan : )

With the change of doctrines, also, the things that we come across in life can change. It's up to us to decide whether we want to go on with the belief in difficulties or decide for new paths and doctrines.

What seemed to be right yesterday might happen to be little helpful today.

July 12, 2009

193 – Let words blossom

When somebody's unhappy we can strengthen or weaken this person with our behaviour and especially with our words.

As soon as we get aware of what our words can effect we can use them intentionally.

When someone's desperate, angry, depressed or hopeless, loving words can encourage him/her, bring self-confidence and the feeling that someone's there for this person.

This can be very helpful and maybe already let germinate a small seed of delight and hope in this person.

Today you could strengthen somebody with loving words.
Sometimes one word, smile or gesture is enough – it's as if we were giving an invisible flower with our words that can blossom in our and the other's heart : )

Relax, loosen your mouth and half smile. Calm and conscious breath, with every inhale you could imagine flowers in your heart, with every exhale you could give them to someone. 6 minutes and 24 seconds? Or 3 breaths?

Aware of the flowers in my heart
give loving speech

thoughts of peace for Saint Kitts and Nevis : )

Often it's enough just to listen and to show understanding, to be there and give speechless comfort.

This way, too, we can give away our flowers. Even in bouquets and bunches, it costs NOTHING : )

July 11, 2009

192 – Belief in solitude

“Some say all things are bound together. Others prefer to believe that all things are isolated and separated from the other things.”

So what's true now?

Probably both points are true. Depending on what one wants to believe in the accordant belief carries into effect in life.

So the ones how believe all things are bound together are very likely to experience life in this way and are seldom lonely. The ones who believe in disjunction of things could most likely experience isolation themselves.

Today you could get aware of your belief and make a decision.
Do you live A) with the belief that you're connected to everybody and everything at all times even when they're not physically close or do you live B) with the belief that you're cut and isolated from others and everything and you're on your own even when others are near?

'Connected with all' or 'isolated from all' – it's up to you to decide what you want to believe in now.

Relax, take your time, 6 minutes and 22 seconds? Or 3 breathings? Half smile makes you composed. Breathe consciously and sense your entire body. Thoughts arrive and leave, always confidently lead your thoughts back to breathing : )

free to believe what I want to believe in
I decide today

thoughts of peace for Oman : )

What thoughts and feelings passed you by? What do you believe in? How do you do with this in your life? How happy do you feel with your belief? What would you like to believe in in the future?

Feeling isolated from others it might be interesting for you to experience the feeling of togetherness?
The other way around it could be interesting to feel lonely and isolated when you're elsewise always feeling abrogated and connected?

The nice thing is that people can decide and believe what they want to. Often children follow the beliefs of adults around them. Growing up we could free ourselves of that and get our own new beliefs. And so make totally new experiences...

July 10, 2009

191 – Caducity

“Everything changes. Even constancy is inconstant.”

That's why it's helpful to observe moments of happiness consciously and mindfully, to savour the feelings of happiness and absorb them; so that we can always hark back to them when times change.

Even when we would like to hold on to happy moments, control them, force them, pat them because it's so nice, we already unconsciously know that this is impossible.

When we feel unhappy the knowledge that also this changes and disappears can help us through difficult times : )

Today you could remember a time where you felt happy. How does the remembrance of your emotion feel? Get choked to that time, sense this feeling once again very intensely! Thereby, breathe consciously.
Imagining how fine you felt, smile! If you like, you could let the memory of this beautiful feeling grow in you, twice as strong, maybe three times? Oh, so much happiness! Bottle it, put it in a bag. Take it in your hand and seal it in your thoughts. Smile thereby : )

being aware of caducity
seal feelings of happiness

thoughts of peace for Solomon Islands : )

Your happiness bag is always available for you now when you need it. Maybe you store it somewhere, perhaps near your heart?

If you might feel unhappy some time, think of it, smile, and let your memory of happiness enter the 'now'.

July 9, 2009

190 – Tears clean

“Tears clean the soul.”

How is that possible?

We might cry because of pain, delight, emotion and sadness, of course.

Believing we could handle the reason for sadness better by restraining tears, we forget the we also oppress our sadness.

Oppressed sadness can lead to difficult feelings; we and others have to suffer even more from that.

But sadness can be solved by accepting it. Crying means to show one's strength; that is to say one has the strength to confront his/her feelings.

Today you could ask yourself in what matters you oppressed your tears.
When you get the feeling of crying next time you could simply do it.
You could imagine that the tears you shed today are soon raindrops that water our fields and crops.

Relax for 6 minutes and 18 seconds, if you like. Noticing thoughts or reverie, you clearly and friendly lead your attention back to breathing. Breathe intentionally, in – out : )

today's tears
are tomorrow's raindrops

thoughts of peace for the Marshall Islands : )

Our strength shows when we cry. It's easier to run away from one's feelings than confronting them. For that you need strength and courage.

Naturally we can retire when we feel like crying, when we feel not strong enough to show it to others. But by doing so we avoid any comfort from others.

Comfort can be very helpful. You could think of that when you see others crying. You could help them to transform their sadness and get free of it : )

July 8, 2009

189 – Where is our golden midst?

Where is our midst actually and how to concentrate on it?

Well, physically it should be somewhere around the belly button? And mentally or psychically?

There doesn't seem to be a particular spot. It could be helpful to imagine our mental midst at some body spot. We could bind it to the bodily midst, for example.

That's practical because it's the belly. We know how to breathe into it and feel these effects in our body.

Today you could go to your inner midst for 6 minutes and 16 seconds.

Sit up straight, straight back, chin torn towards chest. Belly soft and relaxed. Loosen face, mouth with tongue and jawbones very lax. Half smile. When you breathe into your stomach that is your imaginary body midst you could feel your conscious as well as your unconscious settling down there. Maybe you'd like to visualize a gold colour?

In my midst
peace, freedom, strength, happiness

thoughts of peace for Guyana : )

How did the finding of your inner midst feel for you? What spot did you imagine it to be? Could you feel it there? How did the thought of the colour gold feel?

Maybe you could say that when we remain calm and composed even against the worst trouble, stress or disaster, we are closest to our midst.

July 7, 2009

188 – Reflection

“In calm water we can see our reflection.”

What if the water isn't calm?
Our picture would then probably look deformed and crooked, and with very agitated water even riven and disrupted.

In physical means, we get the most clear picture when the reflecting medium is in calm state.

And what about the reflection or your conscious?

Today you could evaluate experiences form your past.
You could remember situations where you thought about yourself or other matters A) in wavy excitement or B) in dormant silence.

Maybe you once had an argument? When did you have the most clear findings about what was going on? When did you get the most helpful ideas to calm down the confrontation? When was it most easy for you to get peaceful and constructive thoughts? Was it during the confrontation or was it later after the storm had calmed down?

You can relax and calm down the reflective picture area in you by intentionally breathing in and out : )

be calm and clear like water
see what's real and true
thoughts of peace for Liberia : )

How did those remembrances feel for you? What result were more precious to you? How does your inner calmness effect on your conflict management?

Calming down the waves of our emotions by breathing, we can see much clearer.

When others wonder why we interrupt an argument until we and even the other can see clear again, that's totally OK ; )

July 6, 2009

187 – Restart

What to do when we ran into something and are now stuck in it; neither us nor others are happy with that.

We have the choice:
A) remain bullheaded and just continue
B) simply restart

Today you could ask yourself where in your life something might be stuck.

By thinking in inflexible ways you maybe bound yourself to an opinion or attitude that isn't helpful anymore? Or maybe you experience an interpersonal situation that is stuck and where you lost things that are of importance to you? Or maybe you're stuck to an old belief and by that you disable yourself to progress and develop?

Relax your face and your mouth, half smile lets you have soft facial features. Relaxing your gaze lets it also be soft and smooth. Breathe intentionally, feel the sensations of your entire body. 6 minutes and 12 seconds?

Let go of the old
space for the new

thoughts of peace for Panama : )

Every single new day gives us the opportunity to let go of the old and to restart and so to go on new paths. The old and antiquated can change into new. Fortunately!

July 5, 2009

186 – Who needs to need

We can abstain from phrases like “I need you” or “I need your love” or “I need this and that to be happy” because even if we'd get the things we think we need we would still have the feeling that something's lacking.

The one who 'needs' hasn't got enough safety and love inside and the things that he/she thinks need to be gotten from external sources are never going to be enough... Dependences emerge.

Today you could ask yourself whether you think you need a certain person or things or other material goods to be happy.
If you have such thoughts you could start today to recognize your feeling of lack and replace it with love to yourself.

Relax while you smile. 6 minutes and 10 seconds? Or 3 times? Breathing in and out consciously, you could think of the following sentences : )

Love in me
happy and light
thoughts of peace for Great Britain : )

Children make an exception, they really need love, time, attention and understanding of their parents. Otherwise a feeling of lack could grow easily in them.

When there's lack once we can do NOTHING else but treat us well to decrease the feeling of lack. So that we can be free of dependences : )

July 4, 2009

185 – Re-do old patterns

The knowledge of being able to exchange our embossed patterns show beautiful new perspectives. We can decide to remove old uneasy patterns that make us unhappy.

You can emboss metal, for example. You can put a pattern on the metal with a stamp. With another stamp that has no pattern, so to say NOTHING, you can make the old pattern in the metal vanish and, if you like, stamp a new one.

So one can replace old embossing with a new one...

Today you could look at pattern in you, a pattern with difficulties. If you like you can start to re-stamp this old pattern and make a new one.

When you experienced something in the past that now lets you get jealous quickly you could stamp now: May I be full with trust, may I be free of fear.
Or when you tend to get frightened and fearful quickly you could stamp: May I be safe and secure.

You could also neutralize the pattern with NOTHINGNESS as well, when it comes to you and makes you act the usual way.
With relaxation, smile, breathe, concentrate on NOTHINGNESS, breathe consciously... In – out.

May I be relaxed and calm
May I... (new pattern)
thoughts of peace for Ecuador : )

The knowledge of being able to exchange our embossed patterns show beautiful new perspectives. We can decide to remove old uneasy patterns that make us unhappy.

July 3, 2009

184 - Send thanks into the air

After getting something from somebody else we say Thank you.

So how do we behave when we get something that we wished for – we didn't get from a person, we got it just like that – ?
Whom or where to thank to?

Our tip: Just send a fresh Thanks into the air : )

Today you could remember your last wish that came true but not by a person.

Maybe you planned a trip and wished for good weather, and against the weather forecast suddenly the sun cam out? Or you wished for good circumstances and without the intentional influence of others everything came to pass like you wanted it to? Maybe even a wish that was very unlikely to come true, still, wondrously came true?

Put yourself in that position of a wish coming true and remember the feeling of it. Now you could send a belated Thanks into the air : )

Enjoy your delight with a few breaths now.

thoughts of peace for Zambia : )

Thanks is a word with powerful effects; for others just like for ourselves.

Tiniest drams are enough to say such a happy thanks into the air. The more often we use it, the more gifted we can feel : )

July 2, 2009

183 – Blasphemy

“No friend is important enough to anticipate a good joke.”

OK, honestly we know this, right?
Getting together, one isn't there and then: blasphemy...

Unfortunately blasphemy has fatal effects because something always remains in the heads of the listeners. Even if it's quite absurd.

The word is very powerful – in 'good' just like in bad matters.

Today you could get aware when you blasphemed about somebody just to have the laughs for yourself.

As soon as you know how strong your influence on the unconscious attitude of your listeners is you could intentionally decide to abstain from blasphemy.

Relax, loosen the tensions around your mouth. Breathe consciously and calmly. In – out. 6 minutes and 4 seconds? Or 10 times?

Responsible for my own deeds
thoughts of peace for Saint Lucia : )

Everybody's responsible for his/her own deeds. When we're aware of our deeds' effects we can take responsibility for them.
Bullying lives from 'harmless' cattiness – the effects can disturb entire social nets...

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, right?

July 1, 2009

182 – Go to the centre

Things that are centred, that is to say they have a centre, can remain the same and stay centred against external influences.

So do we, too.
When we slip out of our mental, spiritual, emotional and sanitary midpoint, for example, we might have to live unbalanced.

Abrasion increases when we are not in our midst.

Today you could wonder when in your life you slipped out of your midpoint. You could remember how you felt while you were unbalanced.

Getting you back to your midst for the short term, a moment of NOTHING can help:
Breathe and and get back to yourself, to your centre.
When difficult thoughts show up in this very moment, just let them pass you by.

Breathing in I get back to myself
Breathing out I rest in my midst
thoughts of peace for Moldova : )

Nobody has to be in his midpoint, but everyone may be... it can make life more easy...

How to do NOTHING:

Every day we get a new idea for doing NOTHING. Fortunately we can offer you the english translations for the 200 chapters! It's of avail to start with chapter 1.

Because it's one of the most difficult things, we might need some time to adapt. That's why we start with 1 minute during the first phase, January.

After getting inured, you may feel ready for some longer time. So February we'll try it with 2 minutes, in March you might feel able to spend 3 Minutes in doing NOTHING.

And please, don't enjoy what you do ; ) Doing NOTHING is something they always told us not to do, it cannot be a joy! Can it?

If you don't like to be patient, it's also OK. We know that millions of people are not able to do NOTHING, so don't be sad if you find yourself being like them. It's OK. Everything is OK.

Please stop smoking, stop talking and thinking to yourself, switch off music, TV, your child, neighbor, telephone or whatever is doing SOMETHING around you.

It might be helpful to sit straight in front of your computer. Straight, but not uncomfortable, as you like it.

Now you might start reading and if you like even do an exercise.
We wish you all best,

Christiane Schinkel


For a look into the complete german version

get the translation with

July 20, 2009

201 – Soundless information

“ The essential about information is the ability to initiate changes in the receiving system...
In language use in general just like in sciences... 'information' is equal to 'acceptation' or 'transfused knowledge'. “

There are many different kinds of information. One of them is the thought, a soundless information.

The human body consists of lots of water. Let's imagine that water could save information, just like the Japanese scientist Dr Masaru Emoto showed with hiss tests with water crystals....

And let's consider that every thought we think is an information...

You could do NOTHING for 6 minutes and 40 seconds today. Think NOTHING. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING : )

Relax your face, loosen tongue and jawbones, smile. Sit up straight, erect spine, comfortable setting. Chin slightly drawn towards chest. Relax your belly. Breathe, let thoughts pass as soon as you notice them and friendly and clearly get your attention back to breathing.

In – out
peaceful and happy

thoughts of peace for Georgia : )

One fact of the surveys with the water for the bean seeds was to 'expose' the water to the same music for at least 1 hour.

What effects could there be when we regularly expose our own body water to music? Tastes in music are quite different, aren't they?

And what if we'd expose something or someone to thoughts...? If it were possible that anything like this really exists... ; )
Who knows...

July 19, 2009

200 – Plastic flowers

One can recognize plastic flowers by their material; they're not organic; artificial; lifeless. They are hardly destructible.

Real plants, in contrast, are different from that. They are among creatures, have a cell structure with a nucleus just like animals and humans, consists just like those of lots of water, and like all living creatures they have a time lapse (ontogeny): They are born, they grow, they change and transform, they breed, they get old and die.

There are people that are awarded a green fingers. Something special seems to emanate from these people so that plants feel and grow better with their care.

Professor Dr Stephan Bongard from the University Frankfurt and the artists of 431art accomplished a scientific survey in summer 2008: they took water they wanted to spill bean seeds with and played hip hop music or classical music to the water. Conclusion: they classical music water let the seeds grow much faster than the hip hop music water.

Today you could simply think about the fact that water could save information that it would pass on through spilling or drinking to living creatures.

Maybe you'd rather like to do NOTHING now, relax, loosen face musculature, half smile, breathe in and out calm and conscious : )

Stand up for living creatures like
humans, animals and plants
with sentiment

thoughts of peace for Guinea : )

What if we underestimated the ability of water to differentiate and save information?

And why did the bean seeds not like hip hop music??
Hip hop is quite good!


July 18, 2009

199 – Garden of curios

“Life's a horror show?”

Thinking this sometimes, something seems to have caught your eye: namely how astonishing life can be. We can see it like that. It's quite easy actually, we only need to get the according point of view for ourselves.

As soon as we stop to evaluate, especially in the area of “bad-bad”, most of the things we come across are worth the exclamation of delighted astonishment!

Instead of “Oh how stupid” or “Oh how nasty” or “No, how bad” or “How crackbrained”, “How ugly” we could then, in an interested way, say “Oh but that is amazing!”.

Today you could remember reluctant thoughts that simply came up in you. Pick some easy examples and change theses comments in your thoughts to “Oh, hear hear, that's amazing!”.

When you got the “bad-bad” memory before your eyes, pay attention to your feeling. When you now think “Oh, hear hear, that's amazing!” into your memory, observe the new feeling that emerges in you.

Everything's fine
thoughts of peace for the Comoros : )

In former times people paid a lot of money to see curios. When we re-discover the entertainment value of curios in our daily life and learn to appreciate it again, every day life can be amazing again. Nice!

July 17, 2009

198 – Again know the 'better'

“Knowledge is power.”

So they say. There's something true about it.
The one who knows a lot can use his/her knowledge in many different ways and so become powerful. Erudite people can answer almost every question.

Only when it comes to being able to get happy their knowledge seems to be of nearly no use. Even most educated people experience their own misfortune. And they even might be swooning about it.

So what happens when somebody 'knows' that happiness can't be gotten by believing?

Knowledge isn't only power, 'knowledge' also has power...

Today you could take a closer look at your 'knowledge' about the matters of life. 'Knowledge' that contains the opposite of happiness for you is considerable for this exercise.

For example you might know that the right partner for you doesn't exist? Or you definitely know that you will never reach some goal? Or even others know better than you that you'll never reach a particular goal? Their 'knowledge' could have the same powerful impact on your subliminal as yours, in case you follow their words.

So if you found 'knowledge' that is in the way of your happiness you could kiss it goodbye and replace it with a belief that comes closer to the fulfilling of your goal...

Relieve all tensions, 6 minutes and 34 seconds or 3 times or more, breathe in and out intentionally, in – out : )

happiness comes to me
I truly believe that I …

thoughts of peace for Micronesia : )

The one 'knows' something might give this 'knowledge' more power than it is helpful. It's truly unbelievable how many things turn out to be wrong knowledge in the end. Especially in matters of happiness...

Be brave enough to replace your knowledge with uncertain belief ; )

July 16, 2009

197 – The colour of happiness

There are different possibilities to be happy.

One can be it because one experiences according circumstances in that very moment. Or one can simply imagine the feeling of happiness when circumstances are not really helpful for a happy feeling.

It's unbelievable what influence the simple imagination of happiness can have on our mood.

One can only try that for oneself!
Maybe one would have to try this and other blog ideas several times to find out what's about this and other matters...

Today you could sit or lie down comfortably for 6 minutes and 32 seconds. (It's easier to stay awake while sitting.)
Starting to breathe consciously and concentrated now you could remember a very happy situation in your life. As soon as you find your remembrance of the feeling concentrate on the happy feeling and breathe and smile intentionally.
Imagine the feeling floating about 75cm before you. Breathe and smile. You could look at the feeling and tell its colour. Now you could see the colour getting even more intensive and shining. Breathe and smile. Maybe you'd like to widen the colour field? At the same time you could feel your good feeling strengthening : )

I'm giving my happiness a colour:
colour xyz – happy
thoughts of peace for Burkina Faso : )

Remember this colour for later, in case you want to do that exercise again on a dull day.
Visualizing your colour while consciously breathing and smiling, you can immediately get back to your happy memory.

Also, the simple memory of the happy feeling combined with your happy colour can make you happier spontaneously. Try it yourself, you could make interesting experiences : )

July 15, 2009

196 – Buy into yourself only

Many things are told. Press, literature and people want to give us interesting information about “knowledge” and matters, some of them are helpful, others are less helpful. So far so good.

So how can we tell truth from falsehood?

We can decide to A) believe in someone's story because we think the resource is authentic or B) find it out ourselves.

A) always carries the risk that D) we are told falsehood, but B) offers the option to make up our own mind and the decide if it's C) true or D) falsehood ; )

Today you could think of something that you simply believed because you were told by somebody. You could decide now to find out how true the matter is to you. Pick something easy and better abstain from testing warnings ; )

Maybe yomeone told you something about a person you don't know. Or maybe you were told that persons who have certain interests are like this or that. Or somebody told you that a half smile and conscious breathing would raise better feelings in you.
You could nbow decide to find your own C) or D) answer.

Realx your face. If you like, breathe in and out consciously and calmly 3 times. Or 6 minutes and 30 seconds, if you like. You could try it with and without a half smile.

I buy into things only when I know them assuredly
thoughts of peace for Palau : )

Hereby we ask you to buy into NOTHING that's written here but try it for yourself first before you decide for an A) or C) comment.

But if you question warnings for matters like binge-drinking, throwing oneself before a train, jumping from a 10 storey building or similar matters you should definitely think of the risk of questioning these stories and maybe prefer an A) thinking...

July 14, 2009

195 – Courage for the un-experienced

Somebody how does something that 'one' usually wouldn't do – because it seems unfamiliar or because it's not really part of the plan – unlocks a gap.

And in this gap there's a lot of potential: do new things; develop new things; new experiences; gain new, unaccustomed and unimagined achievements.

All you need for that is a little bit of courage: do the things that others do not dare to do (yet).

Today you could remember an idea that spontaneously fascinated you.
Intensely remember your idea, your dream, your wish! Is it unusual enough to make others laugh or joke about it?

If your idea is for the well-being of all it might be easier for you to find the necessary courage and stand up for your idea. It's a gift of your inspiration!

Relax, half smile or full smile, breathe in and out, observing your body consciously and attentively.
Every inhale could make you aware of your strength, every exhale can bring you courage : )

aware of my internal strength
courage for the un-experienced

thoughts of peace for Ethiopia : )

A gap that hasn't been discovered before or maybe even was seen before but nobody was brave enough to take it - that's something special.

It's a clear area that we can fill with our ideas according to our imagination. Doing something new is always being brave. Maybe we were told all our lives we can't, still, all of us can do it... : )

July 13, 2009

194 – Wanting to be beautiful...

“Wanting to be beautiful, you'll have to suffer... “

What a flim-flam!

And wanting to be happy? Everything has its price? Nothing's for free?

NOTHING's for free. Happiness, too.
And: the one who's happy, who feels happy, will be beautiful.

Today you could find out if you were taught similar doctrines in your childhood. If so you could re-decide today and make happiness and beauty possible without suffering.
When you're ready to introduce new doctrines, the mental or spoken repetition of the following words can have enduring effects on your unconscious.

Relax your face, half smile with loosened mouth musculature makes you beautiful : )
Intentional breathing. With every inhale I'm light in body and soul – with every exhale I'm happy : ) 6 minutes and 26 seconds? Or 3 breaths?

light in body and soul
happy and beautiful

thoughts of peace for Azerbaijan : )

With the change of doctrines, also, the things that we come across in life can change. It's up to us to decide whether we want to go on with the belief in difficulties or decide for new paths and doctrines.

What seemed to be right yesterday might happen to be little helpful today.

July 12, 2009

193 – Let words blossom

When somebody's unhappy we can strengthen or weaken this person with our behaviour and especially with our words.

As soon as we get aware of what our words can effect we can use them intentionally.

When someone's desperate, angry, depressed or hopeless, loving words can encourage him/her, bring self-confidence and the feeling that someone's there for this person.

This can be very helpful and maybe already let germinate a small seed of delight and hope in this person.

Today you could strengthen somebody with loving words.
Sometimes one word, smile or gesture is enough – it's as if we were giving an invisible flower with our words that can blossom in our and the other's heart : )

Relax, loosen your mouth and half smile. Calm and conscious breath, with every inhale you could imagine flowers in your heart, with every exhale you could give them to someone. 6 minutes and 24 seconds? Or 3 breaths?

Aware of the flowers in my heart
give loving speech

thoughts of peace for Saint Kitts and Nevis : )

Often it's enough just to listen and to show understanding, to be there and give speechless comfort.

This way, too, we can give away our flowers. Even in bouquets and bunches, it costs NOTHING : )

July 11, 2009

192 – Belief in solitude

“Some say all things are bound together. Others prefer to believe that all things are isolated and separated from the other things.”

So what's true now?

Probably both points are true. Depending on what one wants to believe in the accordant belief carries into effect in life.

So the ones how believe all things are bound together are very likely to experience life in this way and are seldom lonely. The ones who believe in disjunction of things could most likely experience isolation themselves.

Today you could get aware of your belief and make a decision.
Do you live A) with the belief that you're connected to everybody and everything at all times even when they're not physically close or do you live B) with the belief that you're cut and isolated from others and everything and you're on your own even when others are near?

'Connected with all' or 'isolated from all' – it's up to you to decide what you want to believe in now.

Relax, take your time, 6 minutes and 22 seconds? Or 3 breathings? Half smile makes you composed. Breathe consciously and sense your entire body. Thoughts arrive and leave, always confidently lead your thoughts back to breathing : )

free to believe what I want to believe in
I decide today

thoughts of peace for Oman : )

What thoughts and feelings passed you by? What do you believe in? How do you do with this in your life? How happy do you feel with your belief? What would you like to believe in in the future?

Feeling isolated from others it might be interesting for you to experience the feeling of togetherness?
The other way around it could be interesting to feel lonely and isolated when you're elsewise always feeling abrogated and connected?

The nice thing is that people can decide and believe what they want to. Often children follow the beliefs of adults around them. Growing up we could free ourselves of that and get our own new beliefs. And so make totally new experiences...

July 10, 2009

191 – Caducity

“Everything changes. Even constancy is inconstant.”

That's why it's helpful to observe moments of happiness consciously and mindfully, to savour the feelings of happiness and absorb them; so that we can always hark back to them when times change.

Even when we would like to hold on to happy moments, control them, force them, pat them because it's so nice, we already unconsciously know that this is impossible.

When we feel unhappy the knowledge that also this changes and disappears can help us through difficult times : )

Today you could remember a time where you felt happy. How does the remembrance of your emotion feel? Get choked to that time, sense this feeling once again very intensely! Thereby, breathe consciously.
Imagining how fine you felt, smile! If you like, you could let the memory of this beautiful feeling grow in you, twice as strong, maybe three times? Oh, so much happiness! Bottle it, put it in a bag. Take it in your hand and seal it in your thoughts. Smile thereby : )

being aware of caducity
seal feelings of happiness

thoughts of peace for Solomon Islands : )

Your happiness bag is always available for you now when you need it. Maybe you store it somewhere, perhaps near your heart?

If you might feel unhappy some time, think of it, smile, and let your memory of happiness enter the 'now'.

July 9, 2009

190 – Tears clean

“Tears clean the soul.”

How is that possible?

We might cry because of pain, delight, emotion and sadness, of course.

Believing we could handle the reason for sadness better by restraining tears, we forget the we also oppress our sadness.

Oppressed sadness can lead to difficult feelings; we and others have to suffer even more from that.

But sadness can be solved by accepting it. Crying means to show one's strength; that is to say one has the strength to confront his/her feelings.

Today you could ask yourself in what matters you oppressed your tears.
When you get the feeling of crying next time you could simply do it.
You could imagine that the tears you shed today are soon raindrops that water our fields and crops.

Relax for 6 minutes and 18 seconds, if you like. Noticing thoughts or reverie, you clearly and friendly lead your attention back to breathing. Breathe intentionally, in – out : )

today's tears
are tomorrow's raindrops

thoughts of peace for the Marshall Islands : )

Our strength shows when we cry. It's easier to run away from one's feelings than confronting them. For that you need strength and courage.

Naturally we can retire when we feel like crying, when we feel not strong enough to show it to others. But by doing so we avoid any comfort from others.

Comfort can be very helpful. You could think of that when you see others crying. You could help them to transform their sadness and get free of it : )

July 8, 2009

189 – Where is our golden midst?

Where is our midst actually and how to concentrate on it?

Well, physically it should be somewhere around the belly button? And mentally or psychically?

There doesn't seem to be a particular spot. It could be helpful to imagine our mental midst at some body spot. We could bind it to the bodily midst, for example.

That's practical because it's the belly. We know how to breathe into it and feel these effects in our body.

Today you could go to your inner midst for 6 minutes and 16 seconds.

Sit up straight, straight back, chin torn towards chest. Belly soft and relaxed. Loosen face, mouth with tongue and jawbones very lax. Half smile. When you breathe into your stomach that is your imaginary body midst you could feel your conscious as well as your unconscious settling down there. Maybe you'd like to visualize a gold colour?

In my midst
peace, freedom, strength, happiness

thoughts of peace for Guyana : )

How did the finding of your inner midst feel for you? What spot did you imagine it to be? Could you feel it there? How did the thought of the colour gold feel?

Maybe you could say that when we remain calm and composed even against the worst trouble, stress or disaster, we are closest to our midst.

July 7, 2009

188 – Reflection

“In calm water we can see our reflection.”

What if the water isn't calm?
Our picture would then probably look deformed and crooked, and with very agitated water even riven and disrupted.

In physical means, we get the most clear picture when the reflecting medium is in calm state.

And what about the reflection or your conscious?

Today you could evaluate experiences form your past.
You could remember situations where you thought about yourself or other matters A) in wavy excitement or B) in dormant silence.

Maybe you once had an argument? When did you have the most clear findings about what was going on? When did you get the most helpful ideas to calm down the confrontation? When was it most easy for you to get peaceful and constructive thoughts? Was it during the confrontation or was it later after the storm had calmed down?

You can relax and calm down the reflective picture area in you by intentionally breathing in and out : )

be calm and clear like water
see what's real and true
thoughts of peace for Liberia : )

How did those remembrances feel for you? What result were more precious to you? How does your inner calmness effect on your conflict management?

Calming down the waves of our emotions by breathing, we can see much clearer.

When others wonder why we interrupt an argument until we and even the other can see clear again, that's totally OK ; )

July 6, 2009

187 – Restart

What to do when we ran into something and are now stuck in it; neither us nor others are happy with that.

We have the choice:
A) remain bullheaded and just continue
B) simply restart

Today you could ask yourself where in your life something might be stuck.

By thinking in inflexible ways you maybe bound yourself to an opinion or attitude that isn't helpful anymore? Or maybe you experience an interpersonal situation that is stuck and where you lost things that are of importance to you? Or maybe you're stuck to an old belief and by that you disable yourself to progress and develop?

Relax your face and your mouth, half smile lets you have soft facial features. Relaxing your gaze lets it also be soft and smooth. Breathe intentionally, feel the sensations of your entire body. 6 minutes and 12 seconds?

Let go of the old
space for the new

thoughts of peace for Panama : )

Every single new day gives us the opportunity to let go of the old and to restart and so to go on new paths. The old and antiquated can change into new. Fortunately!

July 5, 2009

186 – Who needs to need

We can abstain from phrases like “I need you” or “I need your love” or “I need this and that to be happy” because even if we'd get the things we think we need we would still have the feeling that something's lacking.

The one who 'needs' hasn't got enough safety and love inside and the things that he/she thinks need to be gotten from external sources are never going to be enough... Dependences emerge.

Today you could ask yourself whether you think you need a certain person or things or other material goods to be happy.
If you have such thoughts you could start today to recognize your feeling of lack and replace it with love to yourself.

Relax while you smile. 6 minutes and 10 seconds? Or 3 times? Breathing in and out consciously, you could think of the following sentences : )

Love in me
happy and light
thoughts of peace for Great Britain : )

Children make an exception, they really need love, time, attention and understanding of their parents. Otherwise a feeling of lack could grow easily in them.

When there's lack once we can do NOTHING else but treat us well to decrease the feeling of lack. So that we can be free of dependences : )

July 4, 2009

185 – Re-do old patterns

The knowledge of being able to exchange our embossed patterns show beautiful new perspectives. We can decide to remove old uneasy patterns that make us unhappy.

You can emboss metal, for example. You can put a pattern on the metal with a stamp. With another stamp that has no pattern, so to say NOTHING, you can make the old pattern in the metal vanish and, if you like, stamp a new one.

So one can replace old embossing with a new one...

Today you could look at pattern in you, a pattern with difficulties. If you like you can start to re-stamp this old pattern and make a new one.

When you experienced something in the past that now lets you get jealous quickly you could stamp now: May I be full with trust, may I be free of fear.
Or when you tend to get frightened and fearful quickly you could stamp: May I be safe and secure.

You could also neutralize the pattern with NOTHINGNESS as well, when it comes to you and makes you act the usual way.
With relaxation, smile, breathe, concentrate on NOTHINGNESS, breathe consciously... In – out.

May I be relaxed and calm
May I... (new pattern)
thoughts of peace for Ecuador : )

The knowledge of being able to exchange our embossed patterns show beautiful new perspectives. We can decide to remove old uneasy patterns that make us unhappy.

July 3, 2009

184 - Send thanks into the air

After getting something from somebody else we say Thank you.

So how do we behave when we get something that we wished for – we didn't get from a person, we got it just like that – ?
Whom or where to thank to?

Our tip: Just send a fresh Thanks into the air : )

Today you could remember your last wish that came true but not by a person.

Maybe you planned a trip and wished for good weather, and against the weather forecast suddenly the sun cam out? Or you wished for good circumstances and without the intentional influence of others everything came to pass like you wanted it to? Maybe even a wish that was very unlikely to come true, still, wondrously came true?

Put yourself in that position of a wish coming true and remember the feeling of it. Now you could send a belated Thanks into the air : )

Enjoy your delight with a few breaths now.

thoughts of peace for Zambia : )

Thanks is a word with powerful effects; for others just like for ourselves.

Tiniest drams are enough to say such a happy thanks into the air. The more often we use it, the more gifted we can feel : )

July 2, 2009

183 – Blasphemy

“No friend is important enough to anticipate a good joke.”

OK, honestly we know this, right?
Getting together, one isn't there and then: blasphemy...

Unfortunately blasphemy has fatal effects because something always remains in the heads of the listeners. Even if it's quite absurd.

The word is very powerful – in 'good' just like in bad matters.

Today you could get aware when you blasphemed about somebody just to have the laughs for yourself.

As soon as you know how strong your influence on the unconscious attitude of your listeners is you could intentionally decide to abstain from blasphemy.

Relax, loosen the tensions around your mouth. Breathe consciously and calmly. In – out. 6 minutes and 4 seconds? Or 10 times?

Responsible for my own deeds
thoughts of peace for Saint Lucia : )

Everybody's responsible for his/her own deeds. When we're aware of our deeds' effects we can take responsibility for them.
Bullying lives from 'harmless' cattiness – the effects can disturb entire social nets...

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, right?

July 1, 2009

182 – Go to the centre

Things that are centred, that is to say they have a centre, can remain the same and stay centred against external influences.

So do we, too.
When we slip out of our mental, spiritual, emotional and sanitary midpoint, for example, we might have to live unbalanced.

Abrasion increases when we are not in our midst.

Today you could wonder when in your life you slipped out of your midpoint. You could remember how you felt while you were unbalanced.

Getting you back to your midst for the short term, a moment of NOTHING can help:
Breathe and and get back to yourself, to your centre.
When difficult thoughts show up in this very moment, just let them pass you by.

Breathing in I get back to myself
Breathing out I rest in my midst
thoughts of peace for Moldova : )

Nobody has to be in his midpoint, but everyone may be... it can make life more easy...